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Writer's pictureJoseph Mwema


Updated: Jun 1

"Hey," Carol replied, a hint of amusement dancing in her voice. "So, about last night..."

There was a comfortable pause, neither of us wanting to break the unspoken tension. Finally, I decided to take the plunge. "Yeah, about last night," I echoed, a chuckle escaping my lips. "That was some turn of events, huh?"

"Quite the performance Kanga put on," Carol said, a laugh bubbling up in her voice. "Though, I must admit, I was a bit surprised you knew him."

I explained how we knew each other deliberately skipping the elaborate scheme with Jitu to desperately salvage the evening, and how it all went awry thanks to Gracie's frantic call. Carol listened intently, occasionally letting out a snort of laughter at our predicament.

"Wow," she said, once I finished. "Talk about a rollercoaster. But hey, at least it wasn't a dull evening, right?"

"Definitely not dull," I agreed, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "Though, I can't help but wonder..."

"Wonder what?" Carol prompted; her voice filled with curiosity.

"Wonder what it would have been like if Gracie hadn't called," I admitted sheepishly.

There was a moment of comfortable silence, heavy with unspoken thoughts. Then, Carol spoke, her voice teasing. "Oh, so you were enjoying yourself then, huh?"

"Well," I stammered, trying to sound nonchalant, "it was definitely getting interesting."

"Interesting, huh?" Carol repeated, the amusement clear in her tone. "Maybe a little too interesting for a first-time encounter with a stranger, don't you think?"

I laughed, the tension dissipating. "Touché," I conceded. "But hey, at least we can say our first night wasn't exactly conventional."

The conversation flowed easily from there. I teased her about her undying devotion to Gracie, pretending jealousy that she'd rush out for her roommate over a potential connection with me. Carol playfully swatted my teasing away, reminding me that even I could see Gracie had a boyfriend.

As the call neared its end, we both agreed to meet again soon, a genuine excitement lacing my voices. The conversation ended with a promise to call, and I hung up, a grin plastered on my face.

The following days were filled with anticipation. Our calls became a regular occurrence. I learned about her family, her studies, her dreams for the future. As I delved deeper into her life, I discovered that her beauty was merely the tip of the iceberg. She was intelligent, witty, and possessed a depth that went far beyond physical attraction, or if I were to say, not just a pretty face.

She was a woman of contradictions, a puzzle that demanded my complete attention. She exuded confidence and strength, yet there was a vulnerability in her eyes that hinted at a deeper complexity. Sometimes, her words were sharp and cutting, but she was full of kindness and compassion. If she was a model, people would say she moves with grace and poise, yet her presence commands the room with a quiet intensity. I couldn't help but be drawn to her and some moments, she would make me forget I had a crush on Zendaya (Too she only likes spiderman).

I, in turn, shared my inspirations and vulnerabilities. I talked about my hopes for the future, my fears, and dreams. With each conversation, the connection between I deepened. We often discussed about the impact of societal expectations on personal freedom, our struggles with the constraints and expectations placed by the society. I could never forget her, even if I tried. Sometimes, we could gossip about Gracie.

“Sometimes I’m jealous of her,” she would admit. “She is not to be underestimated.” She said in one of our chats. “Why?” I asked. She possesses a fierce determination and unwavering strength that seems to ignite a fire within her soul”. She replied.

“Thats not something to be jealous about.” I comforted. “If not anything else, you are perfect.” I added. But then, I couldn’t help but remember the one time I saw Gracie. Despite it being evening and her eyes filled with worry, her passion and intensity were palpable, drawing others towards her magnetic presence. She always left a trail of admirers in her wake. In a world filled with conformity, she stood out like a daring unapologetically sassy however, I quickly shut that thought and replied, "The perfect woman is a higher type of humanity than the perfect man, and also something much rarer. And in this case, I would always choose you."

This time sending a voice not, she chuckled, a thoughtful note in her voice. "Interesting," she said. "What do you think it means?"

I pondered for a moment, then replied, "I think it means that a truly exceptional woman goes beyond physical beauty. She's someone who inspires one to be a better person, who challenges one to grow and evolve, a woman who leaves a lasting impression on the world." As I said this, in her eyes, I could see my salvation and my downfall.

There was a brief silence, then Carol spoke, her voice soft. "That's a beautiful way to see it."

A comfortable silence settled between us, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. I knew, deep down, that I were on the cusp of something special. With Carol, I had found a connection that transcended the physical. I had found a woman who challenged me, inspired me, and made me want to be a better version of myself.

One month later, Saturday.

The weekend sprawled before me with pure relaxation mood. I stretched luxuriously on my bed, the worn mattress a familiar comfort beneath me. Sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtains, painting a warm rectangle across the threadbare carpet. My semi partitioned Hall 10 room wasn’t grand, but for a single guy like me, it was a haven. No pressing commitments, no roommate to share the space – just blissful peace. A surge of energy, however, replaced the initial urge to laze around. I decided to do laundry that had accumulated over the week.

Having washed my clothes, I carefully folded the rest into the wardrobe. Later on, I dusted my shoes and carefully arranged them on the cheap shoe rack i got from kilimal on offer. The floor gleamed after a thorough cleaning, the carpet fluffed and refreshed. Even the doormat was positioned with perfect precision.


A triumphant grin stretched across my face as I straightened the last curtain, its folds crisp and inviting. With a flourish (perhaps a touch too dramatic?), I made the bed, smoothing out the sheets and fluffing the pillows until they resembled perfect clouds. Throwing open the window, I inhaled a lungful of fresh air, the cool breeze carrying away the last traces of dust and the lingering remnants of the week's stress. A nervous flutter danced in my stomach, then a wave of emptiness. Only if I had a girlfriend who would actually notice my efforts.

After a refreshing shower, I felt invigorated. Ndo nirudishie mwili shukrani, I poured myself a mango juice as I sat down to continue editing the announcement video I had been tasked with. The gentle thump of the subwoofer provided the soundtrack to the rhythmic tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. Just as I were getting into the creative flow, a soft rapping interrupted my concentration.

Assuming it was just the usual weekend vendors, I ignored it momentarily. But then came a voice, soft and hesitant, "There's probably no one inside, let's go to the next door." A flicker of curiosity sparked within me. It was a woman's voice, and something about it made me pause. Curiosity piqued, I decided to open the door. To My surprise, there stood Carol, a smile playing on her lips, and beside her, Gracie, looking a touch sheepish.


“I’m refilling perfumes, can we come in?” Gracie said politely with her eyes fixed on the bottles on her hand before raising her eyebrows and suddenly saying in surprise, “Hey Josee.”


"Hey!" I exclaimed, a grin splitting my face. "Come in, come in!" I ushered Gracie inside then momentarily and teasingly blocking Carols way which made her softly bump into me as i wrapped my arms around her for a warm hug.


“What's up Carol,” I said as relief washed over after I realized it wasn't some random intrusion.

"Just helping Gracie out since it's a weekend. She's branching out." Carol chuckled, stepping into the room.

The room, though small, felt welcoming with the fresh scent of the air freshener I had just used and the melodic background music mingling with the light floral notes of Carol's perfume.


Gracie having seated at the only seat in my room, Carol had no choice but sit on the edge of my bed. After a little catching up, Gracie started showing me the different types of perfumes she had while I occasionally stole a glance at carol. Finally choosing one flavor and handing her my bottle to refill, Gracie tactically ventured out to the neighboring rooms to pitch her refilling services.

This left I alone with Carol, the air humming with a comfortable silence. She perched on the edge of My freshly made bed, a mischievous glint in her eyes. The cleaning spree, I realized with a touch of satisfaction, had unwittingly created the perfect setting for this unexpected encounter.

nirudishie mwili shukrani - to congratulate myself.

Link to part 6

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