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Writer's pictureJoseph Mwema


Updated: May 31

I wanted to add “unaharibu buana” but this wasn’t going to make any difference. Ignoring my outburst, Jitu stood apprehensively, oblivious to the chaos he'd caused. After a short futile discussion, I said, “let's call Kanga” and a few moments later, with I huge sigh, I turned back in as Jitu walked away. The plan, though audacious and ridiculous, had already been formulated.

Once Jitu was out of earshot, I turned to Carol, a hopeful smile spreading across my face. "So," I said, "where were we?"

Carol's face flushed crimson. "We were…uh… about to sit down," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

I turned on the woofer, filling the air with a sensual melody. "Well," I said, taking her hand, "why don't we make ourselves comfortable in the bedroom? No interruptions there." She followed me hesitantly, her eyes widening as she stepped into the room. The bedroom, unlike the rest of the apartment, had a warm, intimate feel. Soft lighting cast long shadows on the plush carpet. A king-sized bed dominated along the wall (typical Kenyan), adorned with crisp blue sheets and fluffy pillows. The air hung heavy with the scent of lavender and vanilla perfume.

As the music played, I pulled her close, the warmth of her body undeniable. Her initial resistance melted away as I wrapped my arms around her waist, my fingers trailing down her arm. Her skin was smooth and soft, sending shivers down my spine.

A soft moan escaped her lips as I leaned in, my lips brushing against hers. The kiss was filled with unspoken desire and a hint of desperation. She was passionate and with a newfound urgency.

My hand caressed her cheek, tracing the smooth line of her jaw. Her hair, silky smooth, fell down her back like a cascading waterfall as I tangled my fingers in it. Every touch, every brush of skin sent shivers down both of us. We were lost in a world of our own, oblivious to the chaos that had brought us here. Her breath hitched as her fingers reached hesitantly for the buttons of my shirt.

As we settled into the intimate atmosphere, a sense of anticipation hung between us, only to be shattered by the sudden ring of her phone. Carol froze, pulling away with a groan of frustration. It was her phone, the screen flashing with her roommate's name, Gracie.

"Ignore it," I whispered, my voice thick with desire. She muted the phone, throwing it on the bed.  But then, the urgency in the ringtone was impossible to dismiss.

Carol hesitated, then sighed in defeat. "I can't," she said, her voice filled with apology. "It could be serious.

"Hello?" Carol answered, her voice laced with apprehension.

Gracie's voice, frantic and laced with panic, came through the speakerphone. "Carol, you need to get here right now! My boyfriend's acting weird, he's on the floor and there's foam coming out of his mouth! I don't know what to do!"

Carol's body went rigid. Her breath hitched in her throat, and a wave of terror washed over her face. Kanga, Gracie's boyfriend? Was he hurt? Panic choked her, blurring the edges of her vision.

"Oh my God," Carol breathed, her voice barely audible. The playful, carefree girl from moments ago was gone, replaced by a woman on the verge of collapse.

"Is he… is he okay?" she stammered, her voice cracking with fear.

"I don't know! He's not responding!" Gracie's voice trembled. "I called an ambulance, but this is Kenya it might not even come. Can you come over? I don't know what to do"

Carol's eyes darted frantically between me and the phone. She looked like a cornered animal, fear and confusion swirling within her. This wasn't part of the plan. Tonight was supposed to be different, a chance for something more between us. Now, the only thing that mattered was getting to Gracie's side.

With a resigned sigh, Carol turned to me, her eyes pleading for understanding. "I… I have to go," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "My roommate needs me."

Disappointment gnawed at me, a bitter pill to swallow. But seeing the raw fear in her eyes, I knew I couldn't be selfish. "Of course," I said, forcing a smile that didn't reach my eyes. "Go, I'll come with you."

As we rushed out the door, hailing a cab, a suffocating silence descended upon us. The playful mood from before had evaporated, replaced by a heavy, unspoken fear.

Every fiber of my being yearned to reach out to comfort Carol, to bridge the gap that had opened between us as abruptly as it had closed. But the urgency of the situation kept my words at bay. Every stolen glance in her direction revealed a torrent of emotions swirling beneath the surface – worry etched on her brow, the pale light of the city streets reflecting in her wide, terrified eyes.

Her fingers nervously tapped a rhythm against her thigh, mirroring the frantic beat of my own heart. The air grew thick with a tension that had nothing to do with the almost-kiss moments ago. This was a different kind of tension, a shared fear for her friend that hung heavy between us.

The city whizzed by in a blur of neon lights and rushing shadows. Each passing block felt like an eternity, the distance to Gracie's apartment an agonizing reminder of the stolen night. Still, within the suffocating silence, I couldn't help but steal another glance at Carol.

This time, her gaze met mine. Her eyes, usually sparkling with amusement, were clouded with a mix of emotions I couldn't decipher. A flicker of something - regret? Frustration? - crossed her features before she quickly looked away.

A lump formed in my throat. Was this it, then? Was this fated to be just another near miss, another memory tinged with disappointment? Or perhaps, just perhaps, the interruption was a cruel sign that things weren't meant to be.

But another part of me clung to hope.  Maybe, just maybe, this shared experience, this unexpected turn of events, could somehow pave the way for something more. Maybe facing this crisis together - albeit indirectly - could spark a connection that went beyond the stolen glances and playful banter.

As the cab pulled up outside Gracie's apartment building, the urgency of the situation jolted me back to reality. We piled out, racing up the familiar stairway, the silence now punctuated by our hurried footsteps. The weight of the unknown pressed down on me, a mix of fear for Gracie and Kanga, and a yearning for the night to take a different turn.

Reaching Gracie's door, we exchanged a quick, unspoken look before I knocked. The door swung open to reveal a frantic Gracie, her eyes red-rimmed and mascara smudged. Relief washed over her face as she saw Carol.

"Thank goodness you're here!" she exclaimed, ushering us in.

We rushed past Gracie, my heart hammering against my ribs. The sight that greeted us was both confusing and alarming. Kanga laid sprawled on the plush carpet, gasping theatrically. Foam, thankfully of the shaving cream variety, bubbled around his mouth, adding to the dramatic effect. Relief washed over me, battling the annoyance simmering just beneath the surface.

"Kanga!" Carol cried, kneeling beside him. "What happened? Are you alright?"

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at Kanga's dramatic performance. He winked at me from the floor, a playful glint in his eye.

Moments ago, in a desperate attempt to salvage the evening without revealing my less-than-glamorous living situation after Jitu had adamantly demanded that we leave his room since he was also trying to impress his girl, I had enlisted Kanga's help. I had asked Jitu to call him and exile him so that he and his “girlfriend” would go to his place, but coincidentally, kanga happened to be at his girl's place, who happened to be Gracie Carols roommate. I had asked him to perform this stunt so that I would eventually get carol out without the embarrassment of her knowing this wasn’t my place. (how far simps go,lakini dust ni constant). Everything else had now led to this very moment...

Kanga, his eyes squeezed shut tight, sputtered dramatically, "Can't... breathe... need... ambulance..."

Gracie rolled her eyes, exasperation battling concern on her face. "He's been like this for ages," she muttered, glancing at me. "Called an ambulance, but who knows how long it'll take."

Kanga coughed theatrically, then cracked open one eye. Seeing me, he winked. "Yo, msee! (Hey, man!) Didn't expect to see you here."

I forced a smile, then looked at the two ladies and said, “Don't worry. Turns out I know him; I'll take him down to the hospital and call you when he’s stable. Youve had a long evening so far, you should relax.” Helping him stand up, we walked outside to the cab which hadn’t yet left, exchanged a few words with the driver and helped kanga board.

As I stood outside the apartment building, next to the cab, the city lights blurring into a canvas of yellow and orange.

"So," I started, looking at carol unsure of how to proceed. "That was… unexpected."

Carol let out a shaky breath. "Yeah," she agreed, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes met mine, a flicker of disappointment mirroring the one burning in my chest.

"I… I'm really sorry about all this," I stammered, hating how inadequate the words felt. "This wasn't…"

"No," she interrupted, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "It wasn't what we expected, just take him to hospital I will try to comfort Gracie."

Then, in a move that surprised both of us, she leaned in, her lips brushing against my cheek in a gesture of unexpected comfort. "Thanks for coming with me," she whispered.

The warmth of her touch sent a jolt through me. It was a small gesture, but in the wake of the night's chaos, it felt like a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the end. Maybe, amidst the confusion and frustration, a connection had been forged, a shared experience that could blossom into something more.

"Anytime," I replied, my voice gaining strength. "Bye, I will call you."

A genuine smile broke across her face. "I'd like that," she said.

As she turned to walk towards her own building, a wave of optimism washed over me. The night hadn't gone as planned, but perhaps the detour had led us down an unexpected path, one paved with shared chaos and a spark of understanding. The memory of the almost-kiss lingered, a sweet reminder of the potential that hung in the air.

In the cab, kanga complained “you just had to ruin my night manze” as he stopped pretending that he was foaming. I chucked then replied, you're such a dramatic actor sijui unafanya nini med school.” Before she could say anything else I added, “besides, you can always have Gracie any time you want and btw, thanks for the save bro.”

Later that night, I went back to my hostel room, (which I was trying too much not to let carol know”, lied on the bed and with a sigh of relief, i called her, explained that Kanga just had some food poisoning and he's now okay, hung up and closed my eyes. One thing was certain about the evening... it was full of uncertainties.

The following day, the phone buzzed, Carol's name flashing on the screen. A nervous flutter danced in my stomach as I picked up the call.

"Hey," I answered, my voice hopefully casual.

"Hey," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "So, about last night..."

Link to part 5

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